eJiaxing Countries

How many continents on Earth are there?

There is an opinion that their number is absolutely not 6, but 7. The territory located around the South Pole is huge blocks of ice. Currently, many scientists call it another continent on planet Earth. But there is no life at this South Pole, only penguins live.

To the question: “How many continents are there on planet Earth?“, you can accurately answer – 6.


There are only 4 continents on Earth:

  1. America.
  2. Antarctica.
  3. Australia.
  4. Afro-Eurasia.

But each country has its own opinion about their number. For example, in India, as well as the inhabitants of China, they believe that their total number is 7, the inhabitants of these countries call Asia and Europe separate continents. The Spaniards, when they mention the continents, name all the surfaces of the world connected with America. And the inhabitants of Greece say that there are only 5 continents on the planet, because as soon as people live on them.

What is the difference between the island and the mainland

Both definitions are a large or smaller area of ​​land, washed by water on all sides. At the same time, there are certain significant differences between them.

  1. Dimensions. One of the smallest is Australia, it occupies a much larger area than Greenland, one of the largest islands.
  2. History of education. Each island is formed in a special way. There are continents that arose as a result of ancient fragments of lithosphere plates. Others – turned out due to volcanic eruptions. There are also those species that emerged from polyps, they are also called “coral islands”.
  3. Its habitability. Absolutely on all six continents there is life, even on the coldest – Antarctica. But most of the islands are still uninhabited. But on them you can meet animals and birds of a wide variety of breeds, see plants that have not yet been explored by man.

Continents are on Earth and their names

The Earth is a very large planet, but despite this, its significant area is water – more than 70%. And only about 30% is occupied by continents and islands of various sizes.


One of the largest is Eurasia, it occupies more than 54 million square meters. It is located on the 2 largest parts of the world – Europe and Asia. Eurasia is the only continent that is washed on all sides by oceans. On its shores you can see a large number of large and small bays, islands of various sizes. Eurasia is located on 6 tectonic platforms, which is why its relief is so diverse.


The highest mountains are located in Eurasia, as well as Baikal – the deepest lake. The population of this part of the world is almost a third of the entire planet, who live in 108 states.


Africa occupies over 30 million square meters. The name of all the continents on the planet is studied in detail in the school curriculum, but some people even in adulthood do not know their number. This may be due to the fact that continents are often called continents in geography lessons. These two names have significant differences. The main difference is that the continent has no land border.

Africa among all others is the hottest. The main part of its surface is made up of plains and mountains. In hot Africa, the longest river on Earth, the Nile, flows, as well as the desert, the Sahara.


Africa is divided into 5 regions: South, North, West, East, and Central. There are 62 countries on this part of the Earth.

The name of all continents includes North America. From all sides it is washed by the Pacific, Arctic, and also the Atlantic Ocean. The coast of North America is uneven, a large number of large and small bays, islands of various sizes, straits and bays have formed along it. In the central part there is a huge plain.

North America

North America

The locals of the mainland are Eskimos or Indians. In total, there are 23 states in this part of the Earth, among them: Mexico, the USA and Canada.

South America occupies more than 17 million square meters on the surface of the planet. It is washed by the Pacific and Atlantic oceans, and is also the longest mountain system. The rest of the surface is mostly plateau or plains. Among all parts, South America is the rainiest. Its indigenous people are Indians living in 12 states.

South America

South America

The number of continents on planet Earth also includes Antarctica, its area is more than 14 million square meters. Its entire surface is covered with blocks of ice, the average thickness of this layer is about 1500 meters. Scientists have calculated that if this ice completely melted, the water level on Earth would rise by about 60 meters!





Australia – the occupied area is more than 7 million square meters. This is the only continent with only 1 state. Plains and mountains occupy its main area, they are located along the entire coast. It is in Australia that the largest number of large and small wild animals and birds live, here is also the largest variety of vegetation. The indigenous people are Aborigines and Bushmen.


50 State Facts

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